ICP Pile is a high performance and high strength pretensioned spun concrete piles that are extensively used in large, complex and technically challenging projects – from high-rise buildings, marine structures to power stations.
ICP Pile comes in concrete Grade 80, Grade 90 and Grade 100 with lengths varying from 6m to 46m. It also comes in three classes based on the effective prestressed as specified by Malaysian Standard (MS 1314:Part 4:2004). Generally, its prestressed bars are made of high frequency heat-treated bars manufactured to JIS G 3137:1994 standards to ensure only the highest quality and strength.
Download our catalogue for more info on our products.
As the PC bars are bonded with concrete, ICP Piles may be cut off at any point. The piles need not be stripped down to expose the bars and can be bonded to the pile cap as shown in the below sketch. If the piles are not subjected to tensile load, the recommended H.T. bars are considered adequate.
Feel free to contact us with questions, partnership proposals, product inquiries, or just to say “hi.”
Wisma IJM Annexe, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel.: +603 7955 8888
Email: moc.mjiobfsctd-34520e@selaspci